!AddPluginDir "../"
; The name of the installer
Name "untgz Example"
; The file to write
OutFile "untgz_example.exe"
; Let user see messages in detail window
ShowInstDetails show
; The default installation directory
InstallDir $TEMPExample
; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "This will install the untgz example on your computer. Please select a directory"
; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
ComponentText "This will install untgz examples on your computer. Select which test to run."
; let user choose examples to run
InstType "All Examples"
InstType "extract all files"
InstType "extract all files alternate"
InstType "extract specific files"
InstType "extract a single file"
InstType "extract a corrupt or missing file"
InstType "extract a zero byte file"
InstType "extract all files from uncompressed tarball"
InstType "Test readonly/inuse files extraction"
InstType "Test update files extraction"
InstType "extract all files from lzma compressed tarball"
InstType "extract all files from bzip2 compressed tarball"
InstType "extract all files from tarball (auto determine type)"
; Required, the sample tarball used for testing
Section ""
SectionIn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RO
; Set output path to the installation directory.
; Put file there
File example.tgz
File examplecorrupt.tgz
File exampleempty.tgz
File examplenewer.tgz
File dups.tar.gz
; the alternate compressed files
File example.tar
File example.tlz
File example.tar.lzma
File example.tbz
Section "Test extract"
SectionIn 1 2
; untgz::extract [-j] [-d basedir] tarball.tgz
untgz::extract -j -d "$INSTDIR/junkedpaths" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/withpaths" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extractV, same as extract"
SectionIn 1 3
; untgz::extractV [-j] [-d basedir] tarball.tgz [-i {iList}] [-x {xList}] --
untgz::extractV -j -d "$INSTDIR/junkedpathsAlt" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsAlt" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extractV"
SectionIn 1 4
; untgz::extractV [-j] [-d basedir] tarball.tgz [-i {iList}] [-x {xList}] --
untgz::extractV -j -d "$INSTDIR/junkedpathsI" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -i "another doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -j -d "$INSTDIR/junkedpathsX" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -x "another doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsIa" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -i "another doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsXa" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -x "sample doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsXb" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -i "sample doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsIb" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -x "another doc.txt" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsXs" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -x "subdir" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractV -d "$INSTDIR/withpathsX curious" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" -x "subdir/*" --
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extractFile"
SectionIn 1 5
; untgz::extractFile [-d basedir] tarball.tgz file
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIRsinglefile" "$INSTDIRexample.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/forwardSlash" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extract corrupt File"
SectionIn 1 6
; attempt to extract from a corrupt [manually truncated] tarball
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/corrupt" "$INSTDIR/examplecorrupt.tgz" "fake doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; attempt to extract from a nonexistant tarball
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/corrupt" "$INSTDIR/exampleNotExist.tgz" "my doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; attempt a proper extraction, should succeed.
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/corruptSuccess" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; attempt to extract a file from archive that does not exist
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/singlefile2" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "Notexist.txT"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/singlefile2" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "my doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extract 0 byte file"
SectionIn 1 7
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/zerofile" "$INSTDIR/exampleempty.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test uncompressed tarball"
SectionIn 1 8
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/plainTAR" "$INSTDIR/example.tar"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/plainTAR2" -znone "$INSTDIR/example.tar"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test readonly/inuse files extraction"
SectionIn 1 9
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint "Test readonly/inuse files extraction"
; Be sure paths to FileOpen and SetFileAttributes ONLY use character
DetailPrint "this should succeed"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "this should succeed as well overwriting the file"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "force this file open so next call should fail"
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIRreadonlyanother doc.txt" a
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to open file"
DetailPrint "this should produce an error since file trying to extract is open"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "now retry should succeed once file closed"
FileClose $0
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "set file to readonly"
SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIRreadonlyanother doc.txt" FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to set file to readonly"
DetailPrint "this should fail"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "restore attributes, retry should succeed"
SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIRreadonlyanother doc.txt" FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/readonly" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test update files extraction"
SectionIn 1 10
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint "Test update files extraction"
; this should succeed
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/update" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; this should skip the file just extracted
untgz::extractFile -k -d "$INSTDIR/update" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; so should this one, since update should not happen (same time)
untgz::extractFile -u -d "$INSTDIR/update" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; this should extract some files and skip ones skipped above
untgz::extract -j -u -d "$INSTDIR/update" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "set file to readonly"
untgz::extractFile -d "$INSTDIR/upd" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIRupdanother doc.txt" FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to set file to readonly"
DetailPrint "this should fail"
untgz::extractFile -u -d "$INSTDIR/upd" "$INSTDIR/examplenewer.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIRupdanother doc.txt" FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
DetailPrint "this should update the file"
untgz::extractFile -u -d "$INSTDIR/upd" "$INSTDIR/examplenewer.tgz" "another doc.txt"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test lzma compressed tarball"
SectionIn 1 11
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint "Test lzma compressed tarball"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tlz_file" -zlzma "$INSTDIR/example.tlz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tar_lzma_file" -zlzma "$INSTDIR/example.tar.lzma"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test bzip2 compressed tarball"
SectionIn 1 12
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint "Test bzip2 compressed tarball"
; same example files as others
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tbz_file" -zbz2 "$INSTDIR/example.tbz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; this one should fail
DetailPrint "Test bzip2 extraction on invalid tarball"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tbz_fail" -zbz2 "$INSTDIR/example.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
Section "Test extraction tarball, no type indicated"
SectionIn 1 13
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint "Test plain (uncompressed) tarball"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tar_file" "$INSTDIR/example.tar"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "Test gzipped compressed tarball"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tgz_file" "$INSTDIR/example.tgz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "Test lzma compressed tarball"
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tlz_file" "$INSTDIR/example.tlz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
DetailPrint "Test bzip2 compressed tarball"
; same example files as others
untgz::extract -d "$INSTDIR/tbz_file" "$INSTDIR/example.tbz"
DetailPrint "untgz returned ($R0)"
; eof
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