!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "CommCtrl.nsh"
!addplugindir "../Plugins"
Caption "List View"
OutFile example2.exe
RequestExecutionLevel user
# ${SetItemLink} hwndLV iItem iSubItem url #
# sets the text of an item of a listview to be a link #
!macro __SetItemLink_Call hwndLV_ iItem_ iSubItem_ url_
!verbose push
Linker::lvlink /NOUNLOAD ${hwndLV_} ${iItem_} ${iSubItem_} ${url_}
!verbose pop
!define SetItemLink `!insertmacro __SetItemLink_Call`
Page custom CreatePage
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
Section Install
Function CreatePage
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "List view control" "Listview that using bitmap as the image list"
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 error 0 +2
${NSD_CreateListView} 0u 0u 300u 120u "ListView"
Pop $1
;SendMessage $1 ${LVM_SETBKCOLOR} 0 0xC7EDCC ; backgroud color
;SendMessage $1 ${LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR} 0 0xC7EDCC ; text backgroud color
${NSD_LV_InsertColumn} $1 0 110 "Column 0"
${NSD_LV_InsertColumn} $1 1 80 "Column 1"
${NSD_LV_InsertColumn} $1 2 80 "Column 2"
${NSD_LV_InsertColumn} $1 3 80 "Column 3"
${NSD_LV_InsertColumn} $1 4 80 "Column 4"
${NSD_LV_InsertItem} $1 0 "Item 0"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 0 1 "subitem 0-1"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 0 2 "subitem 0-2"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 0 3 "subitem 0-3"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 0 4 "link to google"
${SetItemLink} $1 0 4 'http://www.google.com'
${NSD_LV_InsertItem} $1 1 "Item 1"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 1 2 "subitem 1-2"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 1 3 "subitem 1-3"
${NSD_LV_InsertItem} $1 2 "Item 2"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 2 1 "subitem 2-1"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 2 3 "subitem 2-3"
${NSD_LV_InsertItem} $1 3 "Item 3"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 3 2 "subitem 3-2"
${NSD_LV_SetItemText} $1 3 4 "subitem 3-4"
; Create an ImageList, width and height of each image is 16.
; ImageList_Create Function: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bb761522.aspx
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_Create(i16,i16,i${ILC_MASK}|${ILC_COLORDDB},i0,i0)i.R0`
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp "images_google.bmp"
Push $PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp
; "ts" means pop and use the sTring from Stack, can be replaced with t"$PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp".
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i0,ts,i${IMAGE_BITMAP},i0,i0,i${LR_LOADFROMFILE}|${LR_DEFAULTSIZE})i.R1`
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_AddMasked(iR0,iR1,i${CLR_DEFAULT})`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(iR1)`
Push $PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i0,ts,i${IMAGE_BITMAP},i0,i0,i${LR_LOADFROMFILE}|${LR_DEFAULTSIZE})i.R1`
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_AddMasked(iR0,iR1,i${CLR_DEFAULT})`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(iR1)`
Push $PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i0,ts,i${IMAGE_BITMAP},i0,i0,i${LR_LOADFROMFILE}|${LR_DEFAULTSIZE})i.R1`
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_AddMasked(iR0,iR1,i${CLR_DEFAULT})`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(iR1)`
Push $PLUGINSDIRimages_google.bmp
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i0,ts,i${IMAGE_BITMAP},i0,i0,i${LR_LOADFROMFILE}|${LR_DEFAULTSIZE})i.R1`
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_AddMasked(iR0,iR1,i${CLR_DEFAULT})`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(iR1)`
; ${NSD_LV_SetItemImage} hWnd iItem iImage
; The index of first image added to ImageList is 0, and the second is 1, and so on.
; Set the image index you want to use for the specified item (using item index)
${NSD_LV_SetItemImage} $1 0 3 ; images_toolbar.bmp (image index: 3)
${NSD_LV_SetItemImage} $1 1 1 ; images_gpy.bmp (image index: 1)
${NSD_LV_SetItemImage} $1 2 2 ; images_ksd.bmp (image index: 2)
${NSD_LV_SetItemImage} $1 3 0 ; images_google.bmp (image index: 0)
; Note: SendMessage command doesn't support pipe symbol.
; Therefore, using !define with "/math" option to set more.
; Send a message to set checkboxes style to listview.
; Set the state of checkbox ${NSD_LV_SetCheckState} "hWnd" "iItem" "State"
; Before using this, you must set the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES extended style.
${NSD_LV_SetCheckState} $1 1 1
${NSD_LV_SetCheckState} $1 3 1
${NSD_CreateButton} 0u 124u 300u 15u "Check item state!"
Pop $2
${NSD_OnClick} $2 CheckItemState
System::Call `comctl32::ImageList_Destroy(iR0)`
Function CheckItemState
${NSD_LV_GetCheckState} $1 0 $R0
${NSD_LV_GetCheckState} $1 1 $R1
${NSD_LV_GetCheckState} $1 2 $R2
${NSD_LV_GetCheckState} $1 3 $R3
StrCpy $R4 "State of each item:"
IntCmp $R0 1 0 +2
StrCpy $R4 "$R4$r$n Item 0 is checked!"
IntCmp $R1 1 0 +2
StrCpy $R4 "$R4$r$n Item 1 is checked!"
IntCmp $R2 1 0 +2
StrCpy $R4 "$R4$r$n Item 2 is checked!"
IntCmp $R3 1 0 +2
StrCpy $R4 "$R4$r$n Item 3 is checked!"